Can low Omega-3 levels affect my brain & body health?
Yes! Studies have shown that a low Omega-3 index score is a ssociated with accelerated aging and decreased cognition. It has also been shown that poor cell health produces a faster rate of cognitive decline, ADHD & memory problems, 40-60% higher potential of heart disease and increased pain and inflammation in t he body and brain. Higher Omega-3 levels can possibly reverse all of the above. Many people do not pay enough attention to these levels and are suffering needlessly. We offer a BrainSpan test that w ill reveal your current cellular & inflammatory health, functional brain measurements, Omega-3 levels and more. Call to schedule a System Survey today!
Yes! Studies have shown that a low Omega-3 index score is a ssociated with accelerated aging and decreased cognition. It has also been shown that poor cell health produces a faster rate of cognitive decline, ADHD & memory problems, 40-60% higher potential of heart disease and increased pain and inflammation in t he body and brain. Higher Omega-3 levels can possibly reverse all of the above. Many people do not pay enough attention to these levels and are suffering needlessly. We offer a BrainSpan test that w ill reveal your current cellular & inflammatory health, functional brain measurements, Omega-3 levels and more. Call to schedule a System Survey today!