Hemp plants are known to “clean” soil and therefore will pull both good nutrients and hazardous molecules through their root systems. Therefore, it is imperative to buy a product that is grown organically and best if it is also processed organically. This is the only way that a product line can claim to be “Certified Organic”. You also want to understand the actual amount of CBD (phyto-cannabinoid) milligrams per serving vs plain Hemp Oil. Dr Lorri & Staff can help you to decipher a CBD product label and we do stock a Certified Organic Product line.
What should I look for when buying CBD?
Hemp plants are known to “clean” soil and therefore will pull both good nutrients and hazardous molecules through their root systems. Therefore, it is imperative to buy a product that is grown organically and best if it is also processed organically. This is the only way that a product line can claim to be “Certified Organic”. You also want to understand the actual amount of CBD (phyto-cannabinoid) milligrams per serving vs plain Hemp Oil. Dr Lorri & Staff can help you to decipher a CBD product label and we do stock a Certified Organic Product line.
Are Essential Oils effective for certain health issues?
Essential Oils (E/O) come from plants! Plants have been used to improve certain health issues for many years. Many of our modern day pharmaceuticals were derived from plants, but have been synthetically altered to produce mass quantities and originally to reduce prices. Aspirin was born from Willow Tree and Digoxin from Digitalis Purpurea. The E/O Frankinsense is recommended to possibly decrease inflammation & improve mood, Lavender for relaxation and possibly reduce blood pressure and Lemon for cellulite reduction and increased energy. A well-informed health care professional can recommend which E/O’s are safe for you! Call for a FREE Consultation! Do you offer health and fitness classes at your facilities?
We offer group fitness classes at Dr Lorri Health & Fitness at multiple times Mon-Sat. These classes generally are 30 min in length and focus on balance, strength, proprioception and endurance. Our state of the art Technogym pulley system equipment provides smooth range of motion while using multiple body parts per exercise. You will be amazed how effective a 30 min class can be in enhancing your overall strength and mobility. Our instructors include Dr Lorri, Dr Melissa and our well trained staff and we will motivate you to continue coming back for more. Call us to register for a FREE class! Dr I consult with many people regarding their health. I am asked questions regarding physical therapy, supplements, nutrition, laser treatments, blood work and numerous other topics to which I respond within the scope of my knowledge. I realized today when speaking with a client that I do not always talk to people about their attitude or thought processes. Our thoughts change our health! For instance, if you are on a path of healing a disease and have decided to use the integrative approach, then be "open" to both the medicinal and the natural potential in healing. Speak the words, "I believe that this will improve my health" or "I believe that this will heal me". Make a choice. Pray for the highest and best outcome for your body and soul. Realize that the natural method to healing may take longer than the medicinal approach and that it takes patience, persistence and belief. Also realize that any form of anger, depression, "victim-hood" or negativity will block pathways that lead to healing. Work on your emotions. Your thoughts can help or hinder!
Believe in the process! Follow and change the plan as needed and work with a professional with whom you trust! Take good care, Dr Lorri Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Viktor E. Frankl I chose this quote to represent The Brain-Heart-Gut connection seminar because it signifies the relationship between the stimulus to the Brain and how we react in the Gut and Heart. If we know how to take a moment or heed to the "space" between receiving information and reacting, we can move forward with a decision or a reaction in a healthy way or at least in a way that will provide more good than harm. This "space" is important in dealing with health, life, business and any occurrence that needs a moment of reflection before taking the next step. This space can also be referred to as a "knowledge gap" that needs time to be filled with information to result in an informed decision. If we do not take the moment between stimulus and response, we risk a negative reaction in the gut that can cause physical pain in the abdomen and emotional pain in the heart. This can eventually affect us in deeper tissues and before the brain has a chance to mentally accept that something negative has occurred, we find ourselves in a state of disease. The Brain-Heart-Gut Connection needs to be understood to allow us to live in a state of good health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Strengthening this connection may also result in less visits to the GI doctors as the dis-connect between the brain, heart and the gut causes GI upset and a myriad of symptoms. A stronger connection can also enhance relationships, improve job productivity, increase energy and produce calmness because the "knowledge gaps" are filled with information that allows for educated decision making in all aspects of life. If you would like to learn more about The Brain-Heart-Gut Connection, please register for the seminar and take the first steps in filling in the "space between stimulus in response" by closing the "knowledge gaps"! Peace, Dr Lorri We all tend to begin making resolutions at this time of year. The list of resolutions is typical...weight loss, exercise, meditation, stress reduction, sales figures etc....! We try to plan our future lives with great intentions. One goal that many may think of, but rarely acheive, is to "live in the moment". This is a daunting task for me! I tend to project and have been successful at acheiving many of those projections, yet I fail to appreciate those acheivements in any given moment. I look to the past for conformation and stay there for just a glimpse and then jump to the future with the thought that there is so much more that needs to be done. I remember the not so great times and hope to make better choices in the future. I remember moments of personal growth only to hope for even greater strides later in life. Now, in this moment, it is my goal to remember the past with love and affection for the child within, the clumpsy teenager, the searching 20 something, the acheiving 30 soemthing and the proud, yet humbly successful 40-49 yr old who is living strong, yet trying to put all of the physical pieces back together from crawling, walking, running and climbing the long and winding road to 50! I know that I feel love and peace when I stay in the moment and ask, "Do I have enough?" and the answer is yes or "Is there enough?" and the answer is yes'! I know that I stumble when I regret something in the past or fear something in the future. I know that the best resolution that I can make in 2017 for my health and greatest good is to live and breath in this very moment! May these words help you to find this moment and live it to its fullest extent. May we all re-connect our brains and thoughts with our intuitive guts and balance our lives using the blessings in our hearts!
Here is to Peace and Fun, Dr Lorri As 2016 is winding down, take a few moments and breath deeply. Gently think about anytime during this year when you said a kind word to someone, held a door open, gave a hug just because, sent a note of condolence, laughed wholeheartedly with someone who told a silly joke, danced just for fun when someone needed a spirit lift, thanked a worker at the local store for smiling and being kind, said a kind word about another or simply listened...truly listened! Reflect on these moments ...in your mind, in your gut and in your heart. If you are wondering if you have made a difference this year, you will find that you have in small, everyday ways! Allow yourself to reflect on these moments and feel the heat within your soul. Take these memories into 2017 and keep spreading the love. Love makes the difference. Love bridges the gaps. Love reduces fear. Be a beacon of love and you will always make a difference! Blessings my friends:) Dr Lorri
In 2012, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. I had heard of this disease through my education, but had not studied it to the point of full understanding. After receiving the diagnosis, the studying began and today, my Brain-Heart-Gut Connection gets it! Somedays, the connection is broken and I generally do not feel well. The symptoms include aches and pains (almost flu-like), tiredness, lack of focus, a general lack of energy, difficulty in losing weight and occasional malaise. Other days, I see the light and believe that this tunnel shall end. I have been told that I will always have the antibodies that detect that Hashimoto's is present. I do not choose to believe this to be true and continue to provide my body with the nutrition, water, supplements, breathing techniques and care that it needs. Since 2012, the Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO) have reduced from >1000 to 747 (normal is <= 9) and the Thyroglobulin Antibodies have reduced from 290 to 20 (normal is <=1). Yes, they are still present, but are heading in the right direction.
I have chosen to share this with you today to provide a glimpse of hope that with knowledge, fortitude, belief, faith and proper nutrition and self care, healing can occur. Balance For Wellness Academy, Inc has been created to provide educational opportunities that can help anyone who is searching to find the path towards healing. It all starts here with the Brain-Heart-Gut Connection. Be well and keep the faith! Dr Lorri Each morning, I speak a prayer to begin my day on a healing note. Today, I would like to share this prayer with you:
"Every single cell in my body and each and every relationship in my life is designed to heal, regenerate and be whole. I already possess the ability to heal and thrive as it is my divine nature. I manifest this healing through peace, patience, perseverance, prayer, faith, hope and love. Dear God, Angel of Healing, Angel of Light and all Unknown Angels and Saints, I beg you and I thank you for your presence, your power and your mercy in healing my cells and healing my soul. Thank-you and I love you. Amen!" We all have something to heal within us and in most cases, we are not exactly sure of what this is. This prayer is meant to ask for healing in mind, body and spirit. It was inspired from a deck of motivational cards. I will share the title of those cards at a later date. Be well! Dr Lorri To Serve in Healing
“In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is the power to do it.” Marianne Williamson When I read this quote, I immediately felt a connection to its message. I believe that I exist to assist individuals and groups in healing on many levels. I have been “learning” how to heal myself throughout my life. With each level of healing, I feel more power, compassion and empathy in my heart. Being called, consistently, to help “heal” can feel heavy at times. I have, on occasion asked, “Why me?” and sometimes, “What about me?” Interestingly, each time that I have stepped forward and served in healing, that “what about me” question has been answered as I felt my heart swell with gratitude, compassion and joy as I watched the wounds of another begin to be sutured! I consistently feel a sense of fulfillment in helping others. I also enjoy being helped and have been so thankful for those who have assisted in healing me. I haven’t always allowed the help, but I have learned that others wish to “fill my bucket” as I do theirs. Great power arises in reaching back and lifting each other up. Who needs you today? Simply open your eyes and heart, reach out your hands and then be prepared to experience the joy in assisting another! Blessings, Dr Lorri |
AuthorDr Lorri Lankiewicz, DPT, MPT, AT, PC, NNC as the owner of Archives
August 2021
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