Transcending GriefShifting Thoughts to allow for Emotional Healing.
Grief is a necessary part of healing, but can become disabling if a “Knowledge Gap” exists that does not allow for the transcendence of the grief. Understanding how to deal with each stage of grief can lead to a healing process that results in a higher level of consciousness. Denial comes from the root of our being in a reaction to a severance of a tie to what we have believed about our health, personal life, business or professional life or to a person who has passed on. Anger comes from our gut as we feel punched and really want to punch back. Bargaining comes from the heart as we hope that we can somehow mend the severance though negotiation. Depression sets into the mind, but is felt at the root, gut and heart and can render a person debilitated in mind, body and spirit. Acceptance begins at the crown of our being as we connect to the spiritual powers both within and surrounding us. This connection brings renewed strength, hope, faith and healing. Every person, system or organization needs to be aware of techniques to move through grief to allow for growth and renewal. Dr Lorri has transcended grief at numerous stages in her life. Her parents separated when she was 8 years old and ultimately divorced. Her grandfather died when she was 9 and was buried on her 10th birthday. Her sister was tragically killed at the age of 15 while Lorri was 11. Her uncle/godfather was killed in the line of police duty at the age of 45 and Lorri was 23. Since 2005, Lorri’s Gram, dog Hershey, her brother Rick, her great aunt and namesake, Sr Loretta and her uncle Bill have all passed. Most recently, her mom Toni (1942-2019) and Aunt Jean, AJ (1937 - 2021) have returned to Heaven. She has also healed from the severance of a few long-term relationships and significant changes in her career. Today, Dr Lorri believes that transcending this mountain of grief has placed her in a position to help others to transcend and live a life of purpose and happiness. |
Course Covers
Balance for Wellness Academy Programs:
Transforming the Gap in Physical Therapy & Wellness
Stress Management 101
The TAP Triangle
Brain-Heart-Gut Connection
Transcending the Gap in Business
Get Yourself Out of Your Way
The Art of Listening
Transcending Grief
Clean Eating and “Producting”
Integrative Medicine
CEU’s for Physical Therapy