Are there natural supplements for high cholesterol and blood pressure? The medications prescribed make me ache.
There are a few products that I recommend to people with cholesterol, blood pressure and triglyceride issues. A high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids may support cardiovascular and brain health while supporting the body’s healthy inflammatory response. Standard Process has created Olprima DHA to assist with these issues. I also recommend Cyruta and Cardio Plus as they may provide circulatory cholesterol support, coronary blood flow and antioxidant activity. When these products are taken consistently, they have produced a reduction in all of these levels on blood tests. Our System Survey helps delineate which products may be best for you.
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There are a few products that I recommend to people with cholesterol, blood pressure and triglyceride issues. A high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids may support cardiovascular and brain health while supporting the body’s healthy inflammatory response. Standard Process has created Olprima DHA to assist with these issues. I also recommend Cyruta and Cardio Plus as they may provide circulatory cholesterol support, coronary blood flow and antioxidant activity. When these products are taken consistently, they have produced a reduction in all of these levels on blood tests. Our System Survey helps delineate which products may be best for you.
Call to schedule a System Survey today!