This will be the first of many writings that I will be sharing with all of you with the hope of spreading Peace and Love (rather than fear) - During this time of COVID.
Tie a Knot
In this unprecedented time surrounding COVID-19, I want to share some words of hope from my "inner child" who has lived life by
“Tying a Knot & Hanging On”
I wrote the following excerpt in November of 1986 as a sophomore in college and 19 years old. I had endured more loss up until that time than many do in a long lifetime. My mother and father and a very close aunt and uncle divorced, my grandfather died of cancer and was buried on my 10th birthday, my sister Darlene was hit by a car and killed when I was 11 (she was 15) and my father lost his battle with alcoholism when I was 14 (he was 48). Unbeknownst to me at 19, my uncle and godfather, a City of Pittsburgh policeman would perish in a motorcycle accident while on duty just a few years later. From 19 years old until now, many more loved ones have passed with the most recent being my Mom (truly one of my best friends)!
Loss and grief have been companions that I have held close through life, but do not let rule my emotions. These two have been a force behind setting and reaching goals in my life in an attempt to try to control “something“ and possibly reduce loss!
This is obviously a pipe dream as we cannot control loss and change!
At this current moment in time,
when we all feel “out of control” and face fear of the “unknown”, I simply want to share some words that may provide a bit of stamina over the next few weeks or months.
I plan to share more of my writings with you all on a frequent basis (this has been on my “to do” list for some time). Now, I feel more compelled than ever to share words that may touch someone and possibly motivate them to:
Tie a Knot and Hang On!
After many different experiences
We begin to wonder
We begin to learn
We begin to accept
With each experience
Strength is gained
And we learn to walk on two feet
Instead of being carried
We understand that in order to grow
We sometimes must grieve
And in order to win
We must fight
But we do not always cry
Nor do we always wear gloves
Rather, we allow ourselves to hurt
But withstand the pain
And we fight
But not with fists
Rather with words and emotions and promises
To walk tall
And strong
And to endure
We promise....
To live!!!
Sometimes, we may feel that we are at the end of the rope. When this happens, tie a knot, hang on and ask someone, anyone to help lift you up.
I am here if you need some help tying that knot!
May you find peace, for even a moment. And may those moments grow to hours, days, months and years!
Dr Lorri